Tortoreto was awarded the yellow flag of COMUNE CICLABILE with 4 bike-smileys.

The prize, established by the FIAB – Italian Federation of the Environment and Bicycle – certifies the degree of cycling of a locality and its territory and is assigned to those Municipalities that are committed to projects, events, activities and structures to enhance and promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility.

In particular, these are the indicators that are taken into consideration for the award of the Yellow Flag:

  • Governance: planning and organization of services that promote and facilitate a different mobility model.
  • Activities  to raise awareness on the issue of sustainable mobility through initiatives and events aimed at tourists, traders, families, children and workers.
  • Urban Mobility  reconverted to facilitate the choice of bicycles as an everyday means both to reach the workplace and for leisure time.
  • Cycle tourism : infrastructures and services dedicated to cyclists such as cycle paths, bicycle repair shops, night lighting, rental and accommodation facilities that make the area welcoming for those who travel by bike.


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